Our Mission

As a prominent company in the food industry, we strive to be a responsible and reliable employer and business partner. Our ultimate goal is to deliver unparalleled, superior quality products that inspire and uphold uncompromising standards. Our brand fills us with immense pride and fosters a shared sense of purpose, serving as the foundation for our success. At every level of our organization, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of integrity, recognizing that trust is paramount in all our interactions. Guided by a set of principles, we conduct our activities with transparency, accountability, and a commitment to excellence.

Compliance with applicable legislation

The importance of upholding the law cannot be underestimated, and at Vimekson OÜ, we recognize the significance of complying with all relevant laws and regulations, both locally and internationally. This commitment is vital for sustainable growth and to maintain the trust of our guests, employees, business partners, and cooperation partners. We are unwavering in our dedication to avoid any violations of laws, regulations, and internal policies. In case of any indications of potential violations, we conduct thorough investigations and take decisive actions, including sanctions when necessary. By adhering to these fundamental principles, we strive to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct in all our operations.

Ethical behavior and social responsibility

At Vimekson OÜ, we recognize the utmost importance of upholding human rights and protecting the rights of minorities. We are dedicated to treating every individual with dignity and respect, and we strongly condemn any form of forced labor, child labor, corporal punishment, or human exploitation.
Our company is fully committed to providing equal opportunities for all and maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of mental or physical harassment, bullying, intimidation, or hostility. Such behaviors are fundamentally inconsistent with our values, and we take decisive action to prevent and address them. We remain unwavering in our commitment to fostering an inclusive and respectful work environment that values individuals irrespective of their backgrounds or personal characteristics.

Equal opportunities and non-discrimination

At Vimekson OÜ, we place immense value on our diverse and inclusive community, actively promoting diversity in everything we do. Discrimination of any kind is strictly prohibited and contrary to our core values. We firmly reject any form of discrimination based on factors such as nationality, ethnicity, gender, skin color, marital status, age, disability, religion, ideology, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.
We believe that every individual, regardless of their background or personal characteristics, brings something valuable to the table. Our commitment is to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. As the Vimekson family, we stand united in our dedication to advancing diversity, equality, and inclusion across all aspects of our business operations.

Communication based on respect, openness and trust

At Vimekson OÜ, we highly value collaboration, open communication, and feedback. We see conflicts as opportunities for constructive dialogue and welcome the free and open exchange of ideas. Our company culture encourages employees to express critical issues and concerns to their line managers or management without fear of retaliation or harassment. Trust is paramount to us, and we acknowledge the importance of recognizing and rewarding appropriate behavior. Our employees are integral to our success, and we are committed to providing them with comprehensive support.
When employees raise concerns, we take them seriously and conduct impartial investigations. We ensure that our management and relevant supervisors offer the necessary support to address any issues or concerns that arise.
By fostering collaboration, open communication, and feedback, we aim to cultivate a workplace culture that promotes growth, development, and innovation. We believe that through teamwork and mutual support, we can achieve our shared goals and aspirations.

Integrity of the business enviorment

At Vimekson OÜ, we recognize the critical importance of acting reliably and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in our business operations. We understand that our business partners rely on us to uphold integrity and trustworthiness at all times.
Beyond our legal obligations, we are committed to treating our business partners fairly and respectfully. We believe that a strong partnership is built on mutual trust and transparency. Therefore, we always strive to maintain an open and honest dialogue with our partners.
Furthermore, we are dedicated to ensuring that our business and cooperation partners adhere to the laws and principles that are in effect worldwide in their actions and decisions. We take this responsibility seriously and refrain from engaging in any partnerships that may compromise our integrity or ethical standards. Through these commitments, we aim to establish enduring and meaningful partnerships based on trust, respect, and shared values.

Occupational health and safety

The statement by Vimekson OÜ highlights the company’s commitment to providing a healthy and safe work environment for its employees, as well as adhering to occupational health and safety laws and regulations. The company acknowledges the significance of promptly addressing hazardous activities and unsafe working conditions in the workplace. Furthermore, Vimekson OÜ places great emphasis on safety precautions and recognizes the importance of prioritizing the well-being of its employees and visitors. These actions exemplify the company’s dedication to upholding safety standards and ensuring a secure environment.

The safety and integrity of our products and services

Vimekson is dedicated to upholding the highest global quality standards and aims to become a leader in product quality within the catering industry. The company strives for continuous improvement by challenging itself and enhancing its processes. Vimekson acknowledges the importance of complying with legal and technical regulations and standards for ensuring quality assurance and product safety. As part of this commitment, the company takes all reports of product defects, including minor violations, seriously and conducts thorough investigations, irrespective of the source of the report. Vimekson believes that this approach is essential for continuous enhancement and for delivering top-notch quality products to its customers, guests, business partners, and other stakeholders.

Role model function of our leaders

Vimekson values the role of its managers in embodying the company’s principles and fostering a culture of open communication and constructive feedback. This approach promotes an environment that supports employees, business partners, and guests. At Vimekson, a positive and fresh mindset is integral to daily work, emphasizing fairness, ethics, and responsible actions. These values permeate the company’s daily operations and mindset. By upholding these values, Vimekson strives to create a positive and productive work environment that benefits all stakeholders.